Factory Tour
Raw Hide Tibet Lambskins Stock
Raw hides buying and sorting: Purchasing and selecting raw skins in order to ensure that the raw materials that will be used as inputs for the final products also meet necessary quality standards.
Airing & Drying Raw Tibet Lambskin
Airing skin: Airing raw Tibet lambskins to keep from rot for stock and to make it better to tan
Clean the Hair Side of Tibet Sheepskin
Tanning:Clean the flesh on the back of Tibet Mongolian sheepsin to make it smooth and the hair side of Tibet sheepskin and then tan the Tibet sheepskin into what we need.
Dyeing Colors
Dyeing, Dyeing Tibet lambskin into the colors we need
Stretching Finished Tibet Lambskin
Stretching,Stretching the finished Tibet/Mongolian sheepskin to make the skins bigger and wools in average smoothly
Trimming Tibet Sheepskin Animal Shape
Cutting,Cutting Tibet sheepskin into Tibet sheepskin pillows/Throw or finished décor products
Finished Tibet Lamb Products Stock
Warehouse Stocking and packaging the finished products for Air or Sea